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Body Scan

9 Measurements
Body Fat %
Body Water %
Muscle Mass
Basal Metabolic Rate

ve a healthy level of visceral fat directly reduces the risk
of certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and may delay
the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Visceral Fat Ranges
Indicates that you have a healthy level of visceral fat. Continue monitoring
your rating to ensure it stays within the healthy range.

Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is located deep in the core abdominal area, surrounding and protecting the vital organs.
Even if you weight and body fat remains constant, as you get older the
distribution of fat changes and is more likely to shift to the abdominal area

Ensuring you have a healthy level of visceral fat directly reduces the risk
of certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and may delay
the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Visceral Fat Ranges
Indicates that you have a healthy level of visceral fat. Continue monitoring
your rating to ensure it stays within the healthy range.

Body Fat

What is body fat?
Reducing body fat is one of the most popular topics in health and
fitness. Almost universally, people want less fat in their body
than they currently have.
However, not everything about fat is bad. Body fat is an essential
part of your body composition. It is critical for maintaining body
temperature, cushioning joints, storing energy and protecting internal
organs. Yes - your body requires fat
While fat is necessary, too much or too little fat is unhealthy.
Fat levels outside of normal ranges can damage your health in a number of ways.
High blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain
cancers, to name only a few. Too little fat is also a problem; low energy osteoporosis and possible infertility in women.

Where does Body Fat come from?
Whether eating, sleeping, exercising or just being alive - your body needs energy
We get energy from wha we eat and drink, commony referred o as 'calories' A calorie is a unit of measure for the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius. Related is energy for our body, these calories provide heat (energy) so that our bodies can function. Importantly our bodies have the ability to store unused
calories as fat.

Depending on a variety of factors such as age, weight, genetics, muscle mass and activity level, your body will require a set number of calories / energy.
If you consume more energy than you burn, your body will store these excess calories as fat. If this stored fat is not converted into energy later, it creates excess body fat.

How much body fat do you need?
It is simply not possible to function at 0 % fat, or anywhere near that

The appropriate way to evaluate this level is body fat percentage.
Your body fat percentage is the proportion of body fat mass to
total body mass. Body Fat Mass, a less important metric when 
viewed in isolation, is the actual weight or fat in your body.
(image body fat ranges)

Measuring body fat is important for determining fitness.
Weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does
not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle. Carrying too much fat is a condition 
called obesity, and puts a person at risk for many serious medical
conditions including heart disease, diabetes and even certain form of cancer
In fact, obesity contributes to at least half the chronic diseases
in western society.


Muscle Mass

The predicted weight of muscle in your body.

Muscle mass includes the skeletal muscles, smooth muscles such as cardiac
and digestive muscles and the water contained in these muscles.
Muscles act as an engine in consuming energy.
As your muscle mass increases, the rate at which you burn energy
(calories) increases which accelerates your basal metabolic rate (BMR)
and helps you reduce excess body fat levels and lose weight in a 
healthy way.
If you are exercising hard your muscle mass will increase and may 
increase your total body weight too. 
That's why it's important to monitor your measurements regularly to 
see the impact of your training program on your muscle mass.

Bone Mass
Bone Mass Averages (image)

The predicted weight of bone mineral in your body.

While your bone mass is unlikely to undergo noticeable changes
in the short term, it's important to maintain healthy bones by having
a balanced diet rich in calcium and by doing plenty of weight bearing
You should track your bone mass over time and look for any long term changes

Total Body Water

Total body water is the total amount of fluid in the body expressed
as a percentage of total weight.
Water is an essential part of staying healthy.
Over half the body consists of water. It regulates body temperature
and helps eliminate waste. You lose water continuously  through
urine, sweat and breathing, so it's important to keep replacing it.

The amount of fluid needed every day varies from person to person
and is affected by climatic conditions and how much physical
activity you undertake.
Being well hydrated helps concentration levels, sports performance
and general wellbeing
Experts recommend


Muscle Quality

Indicates the condition (quality) of muscle, which changes according
to factors like age and exercise level.
The muscle of young people or those who exercise regularly is normally in a good state, but the muscle deteriorates in elderly people or those
who don't have enough exercise
Both quantity and quality are important in healthy muscle.
Please make sure you maintain a good balance between muscle mass
and quality.


Physique Rating

Assesses muscle and body fat level
and rates the result as one of
nine body types.

As your activity level changes the balance of 
body fat and muscle mass will gradually
alter, which in turn will affect
your overall physique.


Exotic Fitness Tanita Scale


The daily minimum level of energy or calories your body requires
when at rest (including sleeping) in order to function effectively.
Increasing muscle mass will speed up your basal metabolic rate
A person with a high BMR burns more calories at rest than a person
with a low BMR
About 70 percent of calories consumed every day are used for 
your basal metabolism 
Increasing your muscle mass helps raise your BMR, which increased
the number of calories you burn and helps to decrease body fat levels

Your BMR measurement can be used as a minimum baseline
for a diet program. Additional calories can be included depending
on your activity level. The more active you are the more calories
you burn and the more muscle you build, so you need to ensure
you consume enough calories to keep your body fit and healthy
As people age their metabolic rate changes
Basal metabolism rises as a child matures and peaks at around 16 or 17 years of age.
After which point it significantly starts to decrease. A slow BMR will make it harder to lose body fat and overall weight.



An estimate of how many caloriesyou can consume within the next 24 hours to maintain your current weight.
Daily Calorie intake (DCI) is the sum of calories for basal metabolism
(BMR) daily activity metabolism (activities including daily household chores) and diet induced thermogenesis (energy used in connection
with digestion, absorption, metabolism and other eating activities
Use this as a guideline in your daily meal planning.
Consuming fewer calories that your predicted DCI value will help you lose 
weight, be sure to maintain good physical activity so you don't lose
muscle mass.



Compares your BMR to an average for your age group.

This is calculated by comparing your basal metabolic rate (BMR)
to the BMR average of your chronological age group. If your metabolic age is higher than your actual age, it's an indication that you need to improve your metabolic rate. 
Increased exercise will build healthy muscle tissue, which in turn
will improve your metabolic age. 
Stay on track by monitoring regularly.



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BMI Body Mass Index

A standardised ratio of weight to height, used as a general indicator or health
Your BMI can be calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms)
by your height (in meters)
BMI is a good general indicator for population studies but has serious limitation when assessing on an


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